Register now and receive free access to teuconnect for 6 months!

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Give a colleague or the entire team access to Teuconnect. Work together on the most transparent platform for sea container transport. Complete the form below so that we can give your colleague access as quickly as possible.

Applicant details

Company details
Indicate the number of additional users you would like to purchase

Additional user

1 additional user, duration of at least 6 months
per month
  • Additional user with full access
  • Promotion runs until December 31, 2023

Frequently asked questions

What is Teuconnect?

Teuconnect is a platform on which supply and demand for sea contrainer transport can be found. On our platform you can immediately see who the client is and you can get in touch with them directly. Price bids are therefore not necessary.

Teuconnect a B2B platform. We conntect transporters and forwarders with each other.

It is possible to request additional users. The costs for an additional user can be found on our rates page.

Fast! If you enter the correct information in the application, we will contact you about the registration. When the registration has been completed, you will receive direct access to Teuconnect.